10 Undeniable Wrestling Truths That Don't Make Any Sense

3. Opening Promos Are A Poor Soapbox

wrestling weddings draw
WWE Network

In WWE, the opening promo is as integral as zingers are to an award show – an expected and ubiquitous part of the structure that surprisingly few people pull off well.

Opening promos once riled the crowd; in the modern-day, they are a tired trope that expects you to suspend your disbelief for no reward. The only people who seem to be shocked when an opening monologue is interrupted are the person ranting, and the commentary team backing up the sense of awe.

By now at least a handful of wrestlers should have figured out that a show-opening rant is not an effective way to convey a message. Not only does nobody get to the end of their supposed script, they are often attacked for the attempt. More wrestlers overtime have swapped the shock and head grasping for eye-rolls and huffs. Nevertheless, even these smarter more tempered performers are still using a tired and inadequate soapbox.

After thousands of opening promos, wrestlers should have figured out a new way to get their voice heard without interruption. Even backstage interview segments have a better success rate than their in-ring equivalent.


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.