10 Undeniable Wrestling Truths That Don't Make Any Sense

2. Ring Crews Endanger Wrestlers

wrestling weddings draw

If the wrestling ring is The Undertaker’s yard, beneath it is Hornswoggle’s den.

Dylan Postl, the man behind the Little Bastard, has spoken of his time under the mat. The longest time he ever spent under a WWE ring was seven hours. Postl managed to sleep despite the action centimetres above him. Unfortunately, for our discussion, he didn’t discuss the furniture in his ad-hoc home space.

In the words of Jim Ross:

"If I live to be a hundred, I will never understand why they keep so many damn weapons under the ring. It's almost like they want the competitors to use them on each other."

There is the reasoning that the space is essentially a travelling, easily locatable/accessible storage cupboard. This excuses the like of duct tape, steel pipes, and possibly even thumbtacks, but rolls of barbed wire and kendo sticks have no use in proper ring maintenance. There’s also no real use for enough press tables and steel chairs to hold a sit-down street party for some sort of royal occasion (we are led to believe this was once a thing).

And do ring crew really need a hammer at the “sledge” level?!


An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.