10 Unlikely Outside Bets To Join Bray Wyatt’s New WWE Stable

3. Mace and Mansoor

Cameron Grimes Bray Wyatt Sasha Banks

It’s been a wild ride for Maximum Male Models. First Vince stripped Max Dupri from the group in favour of his kayfabe sister Maxine. Then Triple H returned Max to the fold and his rightful place as leader of the stable. Now Dupri is recast as his NXT persona LA Knight, leaving MMM rudderless.

Throughout it all, Mace and Mansoor - as ma.çé and mån.sôör - have thrown themselves into the bit, happy to douse themselves with water and play dumb pretty boys for a laugh. The model gimmick is hardly destined to propel these boys into the main event picture, but if either of them are unhappy in their lower midcard comedy roles, they are hiding it well. Still, for all their commitment, where has it got them? Nowhere fast and in need of new leadership.

Perhaps they could find themselves falling under the influence of Bray Wyatt? Having been spurned by Knight, they could renounce their modelling careers and instead seek solace under the masks of Mercy The Buzzard and Ramblin’ Rabbit? Yes, it sounds terrible, but is it really any worse than Mace’s earlier role in the doomed RETRIBUTION?


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.