10 Most Unlikely Real Life Wrestling Couples
1. Stephanie McMahon & Triple H
Were you expecting somebody else at number one? The thought of a wrestler dating, marrying, and then having three kids with the boss' daughter is as far-fetched an idea as they come. Kudos to Triple H and the size of his b*lls. We all know how their McMahon-Helmsley storyline on television blossomed into a real life romance that is still going strong over 16 years later.
Vince McMahon blessed the relationship, then took away his blessing, before allowing them to get back together after nearly a year apart. True love prevailed. Triple H put quite literally everything on the line in the early stages of the relationship. If he did something to upset the boss' daughter then his wrestling career was over. Could you imagine the last 15 years without The Game?
One thing HHH couldn't have banked on in the early 2000s was him eventually taking over the reins from his father-in-law when he finally decides to retire. Did he even want they when he started seeing 'daddy's little girl'? As long as the pair's partnership continues as strong as it seems to be today, the future of the WWE is in more than safe hands. That asks the question: what would happen to WWE if the pair ever did decide to call it quits? Let's not even entertain that thought.