10 Most Unlikely Real Life Wrestling Couples

9. Karen & Jeff Jarrett


The b*lls on Jeff Jarrett. You have some nerve going after the former wife, and mother of Kurt Angle's kids. You would be constantly looking over your shoulder just in case he was there and poised to kick your a**.

Kurt and Karen separated and Jeff swooped in. Nothing untoward was done on Double J's part. Initially, their romance wasn't received well as Jarrett was placed on gardening leave by TNA President Dixie Carter impending an investigation. All was revealed when a caller claiming to be a former TNA employee rang into the Bubba the Love Sponge Show. Despite the early trauma, Jeff and Karen would marry August 21, 2010 and are still going strong today.

Their romance was worked into a TNA storyline while the couple have a seemingly happy relationship with Angle. They seem to do the majority of the work, from an outsider's perspective, when it comes to raising their combined total of five kids, two from Angle and Karen, and three from Jarrett's previous relationships.

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Lana Rusev
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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.