10 Upcoming Movies Featuring WWE Superstars That You Need To See

5. The Condemned 2: Desert Prey

Orton, like Ambrose, also had to be written out of storylines in order to fulfil his filming commitments for The Condemned 2: Desert Pray. Randy missed the whole of the European tour, which was a huge disappointment to many fans. Orton as written out of WWE storylines on November 3rd, 2014 and hasn't been seen (on TV) since. Oh yeah, the film. The film is a psuedo-sequel to 2007's Steve Austin starring The Condemned. Considering that film was a critical and commercial failure, lord knows what WWE is doing trying to make it a franchise. Orton plays a former bounty hunter who finds himself on the run as he is entered into a tournament where convicts fight to the death. The film will probably no better than the original Condemned but it will be interesting to see what Orton has been off doing for the last few months. Will it be worth him missing the European tour, Survivor Series and the Royal Rumble? Probably not, but we shall reserve judgement until the film comes out later this year.
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John Cena
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...