10 Upcoming Movies Featuring WWE Superstars That You Need To See

6. Lockdown

The WWE Studios films have been hit and miss. Well, there have been far more misses than there have been hits in recent times. A lot of people don't see the point in making these straight-to-DVD and VOD pictures, especially when it necessitates that a performer misses television, PPV and live events in order to do so. Dean Ambrose had to miss around a month of ring time to make Lockdown, a co-production between WWE and Lionsgate (part of a six picture agreement). Lockdown stars Ambrose as a police office who, after just recovering from a gunshot, finds himself trapped in the station and being hunted down by corrupt cops. It sounds reminiscent of John Carpenter's excellent 1976 action film Assault on Precinct 13. Will it be as good? Probably not. But with Ambrose in the central role, it is certainly more appealing than a lot of other WWE studios output of late. Will Amrbose's cracking facial expressions translate to the silver screen? We will have to wait and see.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...