10 Ups & 3 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Aug 9)

5. Too Far, Eddie

One of Impact's newest rivalries has also become one of the promotion's most personal right now. The man to blame for that is Ace Austin, who has made a few passes at Alisha Edwards, the wife of his opponent here Eddie Edwards. From the moment the bell rang, Eddie was desperate to get his hands on Ace.

Clearly though, Austin wasn't learning his lesson here, hitting Edwards with a baton and slicing his finger with a card whenever the referee had his back turned. For most people, this would've been enough to send them over the edge but for the former World Champion, it only took one comment from Ace to anger him - "what would Alisha think?". With that said, Eddie went wild, beating on Ace far too much that it resulted in him being disqualified.

Right now, it's too early to tell if their rivalry is Bound For Glory material. If we're fantasy booking though, then they definitely deserve that sort of spotlight. Things are immensely personal between them, so have them collide in some sort of a stipulation match at BFG. A Street Fight or something akin to that.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.