10 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling Bound For Glory 2021

2. Mickie's Revenge

Deonna Purrazzo and Mickie James killed it during their Knockouts Title match.

That the match initially began as a flat-out fight around ringside and up the ramp - Brandon Tolle was fairly lenient in ringing the opening bell - was justified in this case. This spot should only ever be used for the most personal of feuds, so it fit the bill of Deonna vs. Mickie wonderfully.

Both displayed consummate in-ring work, having subtly different styles that bounced off each other quite well. That Deonna countered Mickie's corner Frankensteiner with a Powerbomb at one stage was a nice touch, too; she'd been studying her Mickie James footage. Subtle additions like that go a long way in establishing these personal rivalries.

There was an abundance of near falls throughout, though each was warranted. There was a need for this to be showcased as an evenly-fought fight, hence why both kicked out at the 2.9 mark, the most noteworthy instance being Mickie James kicking out of a Queen's Gambit. Deonna's facial expression told the whole story.

With Mickie James now the champion, it begins a new era for the knockouts division, with Mercedes Martinez scheduled to be her inaugural challenger. As for Deonna Purrazzo? She'll be fine without a title on her shoulder.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.