10 Ups & 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Jan 29)
3. The Planet's Champion
The New Daniel Bryan is almost a guaranteed Up at this stage, and while this week's promo wasn't quite as glorious as some of his recent work, the WWE Champion still knocked it out of the park.
The most sanctimonious man in wrestling promised to change WWE's climate last night. He did so not only by preaching from his pedestal, calling himself 'The Planet's Champion' again, and claiming he fights for "the greatest good," but also by finally addressing the elephant in the room: his title belt.
A vegan eco-warrior can't be carrying a leather championship around with him, so Bryan pulled a Madusa. He drooped WWE's most storied belt in the trash, then pulled out one of his own creation. Made from hemp, wood, and pebbles, he called it the "new symbol of excellence," then chastised the "ignorant" fans who jeered him, seconds before the cameras cut to an "Evil Vegan" sign in the audience. Well played.
Bryan's latest diatribe was inevitably interrupted by AJ Styles, who, bizarrely, asked the Champion if he'd smoked the belt. Thus commenced the evening's last big development...