10 Ups & 4 Downs From Last Night's WWE SmackDown (Jan 29)
9. Rowan, Revisited
As deflating as the Daniel Bryan/AJ Styles Royal Rumble finish was, this is a fine role for the returning Rowan (sorry, 'R♻wan').
The aesthetics of this alliance are great. Rowan and Bryan look like they'd legitimately hang out together in real life, though the big man's switch from leather-clad Bludgeon Brother to flannel-wearing, backpack-wielding environmentalist is a tad jarring. On top of this, the former Wyatt Family man has always been best suited to lurking on the periphery. He isn't skilled enough to be more than a sidekick, but he's an effective bruiser, and playing Bryan's henchman will allow WWE to mask his weaknesses.
Compounding everything is how great this should be for Bryan's heel act, as the diminutive WWE Champion now has a meat shield to hide behind. Rowan will help him score many a dirty victory. This makes him an invaluable tool in keeping Bryan over as a heel, as there may come a time when Daniel's crowd reactions swing back to cheers, such is his skill as a performer.