10 Ups & 5 Downs From Impact Wrestling (May 5)


5. More Questions Than Answers

Your writer has absolutely no clue whatsoever as it pertains to what's next for Rosemary. The beef with Havok and Father James Mitchell is more or less over, her friendship with Su Yung/Susie is that sort of friendship where you're never sure if they can actually stand each other, and her best friend is still dead (otherwise known as being elsewhere, apparently).

'The Demon Assassin' has now turned to a set of cards to decide her next fate. We still don't really understand what lies ahead for the former Knockouts Champion, though. Over the years, we've learned to expect the unexpected from Rosemary. However, can we just get some answers for a change? It doesn't hurt to know what's coming next for a specific athlete.

The knockouts division is at an all-time high, with the addition of Kylie Rae, Kimber Lee, and Nevaeh, whereas Tenille Dashwood and Kiera Hogan seem to be getting proper pushes. Plenty of opportunities for Rosemary to sink her teeth into.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.