10 Ups And 12 Downs From WWE WrestleMania 34
3. Worst Main Event Ever?

Let’s play a game: Count the number of different wrestling moves and how many times they were used in the Brock Lesnar/Roman Reigns match.
- F-5: 6
- Spear: 4
- German suplex: 6
- Superman Punch: 3
- Belly-to-belly overhead suplex: 2
That seriously should cover 95% of the offensive moves in this slow, plodding, dull match. There was no heart, no energy to this match, until the very end, when a bloody Roman fired up and went for a spear, only to run into a sixth F-5 for the loss.
This was an awful, awful main event. Period. If you enjoyed this, Godspeed. The shock booking of Brock retaining couldn’t save it, and in many ways, made it worse.
If anything, WWE should have gone with the rumored idea of having Lesnar hit a quick F-5, Roman kicks out, hits a few spears and pins Brock for the Universal Championship. At least doing a Goldberg-esque match would have minimized the damage and made a statement.