10 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Nov 2nd)

9. An Alliance Remembered

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMBcDwfQbVM First off, it€™s a Jack Swagger sighting on Raw! Secondly, give WWE credit for not only acknowledging a previous alliance between Swagger and Zeb Colter (which hadn€™t been seen on television since last year), but also for letting Swagger have a good dialogue with Colter. The All-American American kept asking Zeb why he was forming a new nation €“ MexAmerica €“ with Alberto Del Rio, and when Colter tried to give him a stump speech, Swagger cut him off, reminding him that €œit€™s me.€ That simple familiarity reminded everyone that these two were close for a long period and that Jack thinks something is wrong with his mustachioed former manager. Del Rio, to his credit, told Swagger to €œstay away€ from them. The entire exchange added a dimension to this little angle. While it still might fall flat on its face, there still is some curiosity surrounding where it will head next.

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.