10 Useless Pieces Of Wrestling Trivia You Still NEED To Know

3. Sheamus Was Once Bono's Security Guard

Seth Rollins Women's Title

It's a beautiful day to discover that one of WWE's longest serving ass-kickers actually had a rather fascinating job whilst trying to fulfil his dream of taking bumps for a living.

Along with being an in-house IT technician there for a spell early on, Sheamus actually took on the role of security guard in a Dublin club that often had a rather well-known guest.

Talking to Independent.ie about that time in his life, the eventual WWE Champion recalled how Bono would be in the place all the time, with it being Sheamus' job to ensure nobody got close enough to spike the rockstar's drink or nick his pint.

If you saw this fiery Irish powerhouse standing tall with those guns crossed, you would unquestionably think twice about running away with Bono's Guinness, that's for sure.

Sheamus ended up heading over to London after his stint as security guard to the stars (via talkSPORT), moving ever closer towards his dream of one day running the WWE ropes.

In the end, you could say he finally found what he was looking for...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...