10 Useless Pieces Of Wrestling Trivia You Still NEED To Know

2. Jack Perry Is Related To Krusty The Clown

Seth Rollins Women's Title

Long before Jack Perry was labelling himself as AEW's "scapegoat" or even dressing up as a Tarzan boy, his late father Luke Perry actually (sort of) brought the 'Jungle Boy' gimmick to one of the biggest TV shows on planet earth.

Appearing in The Simpsons as Krusty the Clown's half-brother, the Beverly Hills, 90210 star ultimately popped up in the fourth season's 22nd episode as Sideshow Luke Perry, sporting the sort of prehistoric outfit that wouldn't look out of place within the Jurassic Express squad.

So, in The Simpsons universe, that technically makes Jack Perry the iconic cynical clown's nephew!

If the former 'Jungle Boy' ever feels the need to change up his gimmick once again in the coming years then, an All Elite version of this grumpy, burned-out animated character wouldn't be the worst idea in the world.

Think Doink the Clown but with more flips and Canadian Destroyers. Just saying.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...