10 Very Bad WWE Ideas That Only Lasted 1 Day
7. Phantasio
As Phantasio, the former Del Rios worked three matches for WWE in 1995. But two were dark, and you were really f*cking up something fierce if you couldn't get a few months of TV time out of Vince McMahon's barren organisation back then.
In the years that followed a literal smoke-and-mirrors magic show of a squash, the gimmick came under rather unfair scrutiny, particularly when so little survives the snark splashed all over this author's page and lots like it. In reality, it was fairly harmless if one-note, but the company carried on with stuff that wasn't much better..
There were already garbage men, dentists and musicians moonlighting as wrestlers, so why not a magician? Well, mainly because when he pulled silver ribbons from his mouth and pulled underwear from his opponent and the referee, he was pulling at the industry's loose contextual threads. That was no laughing matter, not least with Vince McMahon in no mood for tricks as he stared down the barrel of financial ruin.