10 Very Bad WWE Ideas That Only Lasted 1 Day
6. "I Still Remember"
If only WWE had managed to.
The recent Ruthless Aggression WWE Network mini-series went into painstaking detail on how that era of the company's history was in fact a rich creative reinvention and bounce-back from a boom period few could have seen the rapid collapse of.
It was, apparently, still rich and detailed and textured and layered and - if anything - far closer to wrestling's glory days than the chaos of the Attitude Era. This was patently b*llocks to cover up for several years of Monday Night Raws featuring too much Triple H and/or a SmackDown Six era that now can't be covered for obvious reasons. All a lot of filler in place of investigative television or insight.
Couldn't they have answered this one instead?! Booker T got a letter, it said this, as if maybe he'd killed a guy with his college buddies last summer, and then the whole problem went away. Dropped cold, it was, much like the referee's hand on the third slap during 'The Book's WrestleMania XIX title match against Triple H.