10 Vintage WrestleMania Matches That Ended In Disqualification

7. Big Boss Man Vs. Mr. Perfect (c) (with Bobby Heenan) - Intercontinental Championship Match

Triple H Kane chairshot

WrestleMania VII

24 March 1991

Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena

Big Boss Man went into ‘Mania with three goals; to avenge his mother, to make the Georgia Department of Corrections proud, and to take Mr. Perfect’s Intercontinental title. There were plenty of foam nightsticks swaying in the crowd, showing just how diverse foam merch was in The Golden Era.

The initial in ring action went against expectations based on the competitors and the heated rivalry they had built. They engaged in towel-based roughhousing, cumulating in Boss Man throwing Perfect by his hair. The match returned to a traditional wrestling style with both men putting on an athletic contest. It’s easy to forget the speed and athleticism of Boss Man at this point of his career. After Boss Man removed his belt to whip Perfect, oddly not triggering a DQ, it became a match of hard strikes vs. technical wrestling.

The DQ:

The Barbarian and Haku, part of The Heenan Family, interfered, allowing Perfect to be disqualified. Boss Man fought them off. André The Giant aided with a knockout punch on Perfect and a continued attack on his stooges.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.