The Parade of Human Oddities, as they were originally called, were a bit of an homage to classic circus and sideshow freaks. Originally founded by the Jackyl in 1998, the group consisted of the massive duo of Giant Silva and Kurrgan, along with the masked Golga. With the Jackyl leading their charge, the Oddities were a fearsome group of heels. Shortly thereafter, however, the Jackyl left the stable, and the Oddities found a new, lighthearted attitude. The Insane Clown Posse recorded the new entrance theme for the group, as well as joined them in in-ring action. Furthermore, the freakish yet fun stable would now dance during the post-match celebration -- even if they lost. Golga would also carry around a large Eric Cartman plush doll. In an odd way, the Oddities new fun-loving demeanor had made them even stranger and wackier than when they were a freakish circus act. Surprisingly, however, the group got over immensely with the Attitude era crowd. Beyond a brief feud with the Headbangers -- after the ICP turned on the Oddities and joined the skirt-wearing rockers -- the Oddities didnt do much, outside of entertaining the crowd with their dancing and absurdity. The stable was even joined by George The Animal Steele for a short period toward the end of their run. Steele was referred to as the original Oddity -- a pretty apt moniker. Though by early 99, the Oddities had vanished as they were all released from their contracts. But despite the incredibly short period of time they were on television, the Oddities left a strange, lasting legacy behind.
Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.