10 Wackiest Wrestling Stables Ever

5. J.O.B. Squad

Donning t-shirts that read €œJ.O.B. Squad -- Just Over Broke€ on the front, and €œPin Me, Pay Me€ on the back, Al Snow and his ragtag group of misfits debuted in the World Wrestling Federation in November of 1998. The stable was another parody of WCW€™s New World Order and its many offshoots. The Squad€™s theme, however, was that they were a group of perennial jobbers, who were on the low-end of the payscale and whose task was to constantly lose to more established stars. The J.O.B. Squad€™s leader was the somewhat psychotic Al Snow who recruited Bob Holly, 2 Cold Scorpio, the Blue Meanie, and Duane Gill to become members. Surprisingly, the group helped to elevate some of its members past their jobber status. Snow was already somewhat established and was a solid midcard performer. Duane Gill was transformed into a Goldberg parody named Gillberg, who despite constantly losing, got over huge as a comedy act -- he eventually scored a few wins, including a victory over Marc Mero. Meanwhile, Bob Holly was transformed into Hardcore Holly after a Hardcore Championship match against Al Snow at St. Valentine€™s Day Massacre 1999. By that point the group had unofficially disbanded, after the departures of Scorpio & Gillberg, despite Snow still wearing the stable€™s shirt during matches. The hardcore bout between Snow and Holly helped to further elevate both men and to define the style for the WWF€™s Hardcore title matches. Bob Holly would come out with the win and the championship, permanently putting an end to the J.O.B. Squad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du5LKrL-WSo In the end, the group only lasted four months, but in that short amount of time managed to further establish its members as legitimate performers in the company. And much like the nWo, the J.O.B. Squad€™s t-shirts became a lasting and memorable piece of merchandise.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.