Consisting of three talented luchadores -- Super Crazy, Psicosis, and Juventud Guerrera -- the Mexicools went beyond wacky, to near downright stereotyping and even racism. Thats not to take away from the talents of the individual members, but is more of an indictment of WWE and its creative team. The Mexicools were a stable of Mexican wrestlers who dressed in coveralls and rode to the ring on a Juan Deere lawn mower -- no relation to Juan Cena. To be frank, it was an insane and offensive concept. One could argue that it would have gotten over in the late 90s during the Attitude Era -- much like Kaientai did -- but in 2005, it wasnt going to fly. The idea for the stable was especially puzzling, as the Mexicools were exclusive to the Smackdown brand, which traditionally and especially at that time, had a large Hispanic viewing audience. It seemed an odd move to run the risk of alienating a large part of the viewership. However, despite their outer appearance, the Mexicools would mock the stereotypical image of Mexicans in America, and would achieve some success on Smackdown. They reached their peak when Juventud won the Cruiserweight Championship; however, Psicosis and Super Crazy would be unsuccessful in their quest for tag team gold. Juvi would leave the company a short time later, but the Mexicools inexplicably stuck around as a tag team, feuding with the likes of the bWo, the FBI, London & Kendrick, and even MNM, before eventually vanishing altogether.
Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.