10 Ways AEW Has ALREADY Made Wrestling History

7. PWI's Match Of The Year 100% Record

CM Punk

Pro Wrestling Insider's awards are a clear way for the viewers of professional wrestling content to make their voices heard within the industry. Be it when voting for the best wrestlers each year, the best tag team, or the best feud, PWI allows the fans to tell the creators of wrestling content what they loved.

And while categories such as those stated above praise work over an entire 12 month period, none capture the lightning-in-a-bottle, needle-moving moments quite like Match of the Year.

The long-term history of the award has been heavily dominated by WWE, with the award going to one of their matches for every year between 1992 and 2016.

However, following on from a two-year streak held by New Japan Pro Wrestling, AEW have managed to win over the fans in both years of its existence.

In 2019, the bloody and brilliant Cody vs. Dustin match was voted the best of the year, and in 2020, the tantalising tag team match of Adam Page and Kenny Omega versus The Young Bucks stood tall above the competition.

And the likelihood of a hat-trick is a sensible bet, as AEW in 2021 boasted such instant classics as Omega vs Fénix, Omega vs Danielson, Adam Page vs Omega, Adam Page vs Danielson, and possibly the greatest steel cage match of all time, The Young Bucks vs The Lucha Brothers for the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

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