10 Ways AEW Has ALREADY Made Wrestling History

2. CM Punk's Return

CM Punk

Since January 2014, the name CM Punk has been used as a rallying cry for displeased fans at WWE shows.

Chanting the Second City Saint's name has been the bane of many segments on both Raw and Smackdown, much to the obvious behest of the McMahon family as they failed to control the vocal fans in attendance at their shows. Hell, they even resorted to using artificial crowd noises.

However, the name has also been perched on the lips of many an excited fan in the seven-year dry spell that would follow Punk's last wrestling match. And when AEW began teasing his return, especially when they announced an enormous show held in the United Centre in Chicago, this moment became one of the loudest returns on record.

Following on from his hair-raising return at The First Dance, Punk has set out to prove that all the anticipation for his return was worth it, and he has put on excellent matches with the likes of Darby Allin, Bobby Fish, and Eddie Kingston, as well as giving a rub to up-and-comers Powerhouse Hobbs and Daniel Garcia.

His current feud with MJF is his best stuff yet for the company, and as the man himself said, he's got the time for much, much more.

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