10 Ways To Improve WWE Divas Division

8. Better Storylines And Characters

One problem facing the WWE diva€™s division right now is the distinct lack of characters and decent storylines. Most PPV matches for the Diva€™s Championship are usually established less than two weeks before the event, leaving the performers with little to no time to be given a chance to get the story over with fans. Not to mention most stories usually revolve around the challenger wanting the title belt and that€™s that. It is time creative invested more time in developing storylines for the Divas to be a part of, but it€™s important to not just limit it to whoever the champion is and their challenger. They must find a way to incorporate more women into a wider variety of storylines that are interesting. For example, romance angles (as cheesy as they are) are a popular one for the booking team and they usually benefit the careers of the women involved such as AJ Lee with her many, many suitors. It could even kick start a heel turn like Trish Stratus at WrestleMania 20, or more recently, Eve Torres screwing over poor Zack Ryder. Even if it resulted in his burial (an article for another day), it did kick start an excellent heel run which provided some good entertainment for fans. WWE should also introduce more valets or managers on the roster to help get performers over. Lana is currently managing Alexander Rusev and is the most over out of the two, fans don€™t give Rusev much thought but Lana€™s mic skills have certainly impressed as of late. The same could be said about Layla now she€™s Fandango€™s dance partner. Being a valet gives a character more chance to get over and a chance to shine (as opposed to an all-diva WrestleMania match which just looks messy) and once the fans are behind them, they can certainly move on to bigger and better things €“ Trish Stratus for example. If the booking team treats the division with a bit more thought and care (original ideas would also be a nice touch), the division would definitely gain more interest from fans.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.