10 Ways To Improve WWE Divas Division

4. Bring Back The Women€™s Championship

The €˜butterfly€™ belt suffers from the same problem as John Cena€™s WWE title €˜spinner€™ design, it looks like a glorified accessory rather than a championship title belt. Cody Rhodes in an attempt to restore prestige to the Intercontinental Championship brought back its classic design (he lobbied backstage for a long while before officials finally gave in). The Rock did the same in 2013, referring to John Cena€™s design as a toy, stating no championship should like that. The current champion, Paige is renowned as the €˜Anti-Diva€™ and she could easily be the one who brings back the classic design for the same reasons Cody Rhodes did. If WWE want the belt to mean something in the eyes of the fans, they need to ditch the current belt and either develop a new, more respectable design or bring back the classic title belt. Whichever way they go, it needs to be called the €˜Women€™s Championship€™. The €˜superstar€™ and €˜diva€™ terms really need to be removed (or at the very least not shoved down our throats). Despite WWE€™s best efforts, they will still be a wrestling company above all else and it€™s high time they embrace it (not to mention how derogatory the term €˜diva€™ sounds). They€™ve already revamped the WWE and Intercontinental Championships for the better, it€™s time they do the same for the Diva€™s Championship.

An aspiring filmmaker, writer, traveller, and avid comic book fan, with an undying passion for calligraphy and chopping boards shaped like fruit. Genuinely enjoys receiving your hate mail.