10 Ways To Make Randy Orton's Face Turn A Success

2. Loose Cannon

Who says Orton has to be strictly a babyface? The best thing WWE could do is make Randy Orton into the ultimate tweener, and have him run through the entire roster regardless of their allegiances. Like Jake Roberts and Steve Austin before him, Orton can only be a heel for so long because they have a move that's so over that fans just can't wait to see it. The RKO is still one of the most must-see moves in professional wrestling, and WWE should take advantage of that and have him go crazy RKO-ing everyone. Orton should be the guy you just don't mess with, so that when someone does mess with him, the fans instantly know that whoever it was is in for a world of hurt down the line. He's known for his history of temper problems in the past, so why not take advantage of that? Orton as the nice guy trying to be a better man, until he's pushed too far and goes bonkers, should be where that character goes as a babyface. Whenever he does snap it'll be a huge moment for the fans.
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Randy Orton
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