Randy Orton is so good at wrestling, a lot of people take it for granted. He's so precise and confident in the ring, and has been for so long that people tend to look past him in his own matches because they're so used to it. There was a time, roughly a year ago, when Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan were feuding over the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan's main point of contention during this time was that Orton isn't a good wrestler, and everything has been handed to him. This was patently false because that was the best time in Randy's career when it came to in-ring work, and he was tearing it up with Cody Rhodes, Goldust and even The Miz. Like JBL says "If you could build a sports entertainer from the ground up, he'd look like Randy Orton" and he's not wrong. Orton has everything going for him when it comes to being a twenty-first century professional wrestler, but WWE need to figure out how to capitalise on it from a babyface perspective. If Orton can figure out this last element, he could reinvigorate his career for another decade to come.