10 Ways NXT Got Its Groove Back

8. Genuine Shock Factor

Lola Vice

The intro to this article touched on HHH's booking woes during the Wednesday Night Wars, so it's only fair to laud the success he's currently enjoying. WWE is the hottest it's been in years, and as the man holding the pen, Triple H deserves a substantial swathe of the credit.

WWE has delivered some great surprises over the past year - Damian Priest cashing in on Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania, Drew standing over CM Punk's lifeless body on SmackDown, Jacob Fatu's debut - and it's fitting that Triple H's real-life best friend Shawn Michaels has followed suit in his booking of NXT.

2024 has seen some genuinely stunning storyline developments in the developmental brand. Quintessential babyface Wes Lee viciously attacking The Rascalz was the most surprising heel turn of the year across all of WWE, and anyone who says they predicted NXT icon Trick Williams losing in only his second title defense is (a) lying or (b) part of NXT's booking team.

Long-term storytelling is the lifeblood for any wrestling promotion, but the occasional swerve along the path does wonders for keeping the audience's attention. And NXT, much like its main roster counterparts, has done a great job in delivering both this year.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.