10 Ways NXT Got Its Groove Back

9. ...In With The New

Lola Vice

As much as NXT needed to move on from its past, the decision to place focus on developmental talent led to some rather obvious growing pains. This was best exemplified by matches like Saree vs. Lash Legend, in which respected veteran Saree failed to get anything out of her woefully inexperienced opponent (to be clear, this isn't meant as a knock on Lash - she's come a long way since then, and the NXT higher-ups should never have put her on TV before she was ready).

Yet, much like a young sports team maturing into a dynasty, many of NXT's young talent have become genuine superstars thanks to their time on the brand. Trick Williams evolved into one of the most charismatic superstars in the entire WWE, Roxanne Perez has been absolutely killing it in and out of the ring as NXT Women's Champion, and Tiffany Stratton and Bron Breakker used their time in NXT to build up their confidence, move-set and knowledge of the business to becomes can't-miss talents on both NXT and the main roster.

It may have taken a couple of years, but NXT's decision to invest in youth is paying dividends right now and the show - and its fans - are reaping the rewards.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.