10 Ways NXT Got Its Groove Back

4. Much Improved In-RIng Action

Lola Vice

NXT suffered from its own success when it came to the quality of wrestling on offer.

In the glory days of the black-and-gold era, NXT offered the best wrestling of any promotion in North America. WWE's decision to go on a signing spree among the standouts of the independent scene resulted in the best matches the company had put on for decades, as the likes of Sami Zayn, Asuka and Adam Cole (BAY-BAY) lit up the wrestling ring.

Then came the shambles of NXT 2.0, which this article has already touched on. Suffice it to say, seeing barely-trained rookies stumble around the ring and missing their marks like drunken stuntworkers did not engender much optimism towards NXT's future.

Nowadays, things are blessedly improved as NXT PPVs (or PLEs, if you must) that offer quality wrestling are the norm rather than the exception. The tremulous, startled ponies of NXT 2.0 have matured into capable workhorses, and the resurgence of veteran talents signing with NXT means the show's cup doth runneth over with proficient in-ring talent.

NXT may no longer offer the best wrestling on the planet, but it's a lot closer to it's peak now than it has been at any time since. 


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.