10 Ways NXT Got Its Groove Back

2. The TNA Crossover

Lola Vice

Admit it, you're hearing the song right now aren't you? "Say his name and he appears / I belive in Joe Hendry *clap clap* / I believe in Joe Hendry..."

Ah, magnificent. Joe Hendry's self-composed theme song is guaranteed to brighten up the day of any wrestling fan, and thanks to NXT's cross-promotion with TNA, it's an ear-worm that has burrowed its way into the brain of every NXT viewer. Frankly, if that had been all NXT took from its association with TNA, then it would still have been a win for the WWE brand.

And yet TNA has been the gift that keeps on giving. After years of watching WWE deny the existence of TNA - hell, of any wrestling outside the WWE bubble - it has been a surreal delight to see TNA wrestlers make regular appearances on WWE TV. Even better, WWE has been careful to treat wrestlers from both shows as equals as TNA's wrestlers have provided the impetus for some of NXT's most intriguing stories. Wes Lee's heel turn was predicated entirely on his friendship with TNA tag team The Rascalz, and Wendy Choo teaming up with supernatural stalwart Rosemary promises to be kooky fun.

Watching NXT and TNA's relationship flourish has been one of the most genuinely heartwarming events in recent memory, as WWE has finally done away with the stale business practices of yesteryear and embarked on a new era of jolly cooperation. Long may it continue!


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.