10 Ways The WWE Network Has Changed Since It Launched

7. Addition Of The Collections Tab

WWE Network Collections
WWE Network

In essence, the pay-per-view tab on the Network offers up collections of all WWE/WCW/ECW pay-per-views. That hasn't stopped WWE from adding a proper Collections area on the service that makes it easy for fans to check out why AJ Styles is one of the greatest wrestlers on the planet or chart the history of Austin vs. McMahon.

Naturally, WWE are limited to the footage they own, meaning you're not going to see AJ winning the TNA Title or working early matches for Ring Of Honor. That's fine, because the main appeal of these compilations lies in their convenience anyway. Who doesn't want to sit and watch The Rock's finest promos and matches without flicking through different shows, for example?

Collections were added starting February 2016, and WWE have steadily been adding more ever since. At first, they were routine series like "The Best Of WWE Network" or "Greatest Matches Ever", but they've grown to include in-depth looks at stars as varied as Asuka, Bobby Heenan and Dusty Rhodes.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.