10 Ways The WWE Network Has Changed Since It Launched

6. On/Off Interest In Shorter Programming For Mobile Use

WWE Network Mobile

Approximately one year after the Network's launch, Variety posted an article with comments from WWE higher-ups like Michelle Wilson (Chief Revenue and Marketing Officer). Her words were interesting, and mainly focused on detailing what WWE had learned since launching the service.

When asked about the future of delivering content via the Network, she also said that, "short form content will play a larger role. I don’t think we would have known that going into this." Wilson meant that WWE would take steps to appease the growing smartphone and tablet markets by offering shorter shows.

That hasn't really happened.

It is something WWE have dabbled with (Superstar Ink, for example), but YouTube has largely become the place for those 'quick fix' bursts of content. Bite-sized shows on the Network like The WWE List, First Look and WWE Countdown are often still on the lengthier side.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.