10 Ways This Has Been The Best WWE WrestleMania Build In YEARS!

8. Slow-Burn Storytelling

Rock Cody Rhodes

Back when he-who-must-not-be-named was running WWE, it was common knowledge that scripts would often be torn up and rewritten perilously close to show time. This made things hugely frustrating for performers and viewers, as it made it impossible to get invested in anyone's story when WWE was constantly throwing last-minute wrenches into the works.

This year, things have been different as the company has given space for the storylines to breathe. This change has allowed the wrestlers telling the stories to portray their characters as actual human beings, rather than automatons who simply flip their programming from "face" to "heel" on command.

WWE's more nuanced approach has especially paid dividends for Drew McIntyre, whose journey to the dark side resulted in the best heel turn in years. Drew's descent from wronged hero to maniacal egomaniac was the process of months, not days, and by taking their time WWE crafted McIntyre into one of the company's top performers. (Credit must also go to Drew, who has played his delightfully d*ckish character with gleeful zeal).

WWE also looks to be cooking up something similar with Bianca Belair, whose refusal to forgive Bayley after everything the latter put her through could create another epic heel turn. Given the results WWE had with Drew McIntyre, it's more than likely that a Bianca turn would be another feather in the company's cap.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.