10 Ways This Has Been The Best WWE WrestleMania Build In YEARS!

2. Despicable Heels

Rock Cody Rhodes

So, going back to that earlier comment on Cody Rhodes not being invincible...

Kevin Nash once stated on his Kliq This podcast that babyfaces sell merch and heels sell tickets, and on this subject the former Diesel was right on the money. A good heel is one people will pay to see get beaten, and WWE has delivered well on this front.

There are few things less interesting in wrestling than the Boring Invincible Hero trope - as seen by the general disdain for the SuperCena era of WWE programming - and WWE has excelled in portraying Cody as an easy-to-root-for underdog. As this past RAW showed, Cody is both (a) likeable, and (b) not stupid, but The Rock and Roman Reigns are of a different breed when it comes to ruthless malevolence. It'll be a hell of a feat to topple both of them, and when/if (please let it be if) Cody does, he'll look all the more heroic for having overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

This also extends to the company's midcard belts. Logan Paul is so eminently unlikable that anyone up against him becomes babyface by default, and WWE has written a masterclass with Intercontinental Champion Gunther's booking. The Ring General is a sneering bully whose arrogance has been well-earned over his record-setting title reign and, as mentioned, it's taking the efforts of two of the company's top babyfaces to even stand a chance of dethroning him. If they do so, not only will it give two of WWE's most popular performers their day in the sun, it'll also free up Gunther for the main event spot with his aura intact, free to terrorize the upper echelon of WWE babyfaces.

Speaking of whom...


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.