10 Ways TNA Can Get Fans To Again "Cross the Line"

For those of you who are familiar with my articles on wrestling, the one thing that I've always said is that it takes an awful lot for me to turn off a "wrasslin'" show. As a pro wrestling fan, I believe I owe it to the Wrestlers, Superstars, Divas and Knockouts who constantly risk severe disability or death on a daily basis just for our entertainment. Not to mention through personal experience I have discovered what a true art form pro wrestling actually is and how under appreciated it truly has become as of late. But, if a wrestling federation does becomes outdated and pathetic I have been known to turn off the idiot box. Namely, TNA Wrestling. The unholy trinity of Dixie/Hogan/Bischoff have taken this once unique and up and coming alternative and turned it into a giant convoluted mess that has even gotten more embarrassing to watch than it was WCW's demise. I even discussed the five "on screen" occurrences that even led me to finally, in total frustration, reach for that off switch and say in a loud and steady voice, "that's it, I'm done!" You can read that by clicking here. But, several things have happened in the world of sports entertainment lately that made me think TNA wrestling might be able to salvage whatever credibility it has left and return to being an actual threat to the WWE. Namely, the Trinity has been disbanded. Hogan is gone, Bischoff is gone and Dixie's daddy ain't too happy with TNA's current financial state and it has been rumoured that Panda Energy (the Carter Conglomerate) is seriously reconsidering its position within the world of professional wrestling. So my belief for TNA is seriously on the verge of non-existence and has one last chance at rectifying this situation. So with that in mind I would like to present to you, my readers and to the management at TNA, 10 things that will make me once again cross the line and support TNA as the alternative to my fullest ability. And I can assure you, having old schoolers like me in your corner can only be a good thing Honorary Mention: Bring In Joel Gertner

Bring him back, he was just awesome and I miss him. Some characters can never be replaced....
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Passions in life: Movies, Music and Wrestling....My childhood was spent growing up in the "Outback" of Australia (I'm a little bit country) and my adulthood resided within the city limits (I'm a little bit rock and roll), so you could say that I am the best (or worst) of both worlds. A 6 foot 7 ex wannabe pro wrestler (whose career was cut short due to a busted back, NOT caused by wrestling) & muso who has a precocious cat & a habit of doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons. The story of my life???? All demos, no albums ;)