4. Bring Back The Six Sides

A total no brainer. The one thing that defined TNA as a true alternative and was one of the reasons a lot of fans watched in the first place. I really don't have to go into too many specifics with this one as I believe we all agree with this. The six sides were awesome and in fact if they still had it, I may have never turned off in the first place. I could've lived with all the crap they spewed forth since 2010 as long as they utilized this concept to its fullest ability. Apart from that whole "alternative" issue, it allowed the more agile wrestlers to up the ante with extended spots based on speed and technical prowess. And it also showed that wrestling had the potential to evolve from the norm. As I have re-iterated many times before, I am an old schooler but unlike some I can move on and grow with the product. And I believe in the long term, the six sides could possibly be the future of sports entertainment. Especially considering the state of wrestling in terms of popularity nowadays (in America anyway) it might be the only way forward to salvage the glory days of old. Bring it back immediately and I will tune in for sure.