10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

8. A Lengthy Run With A Title That Actually Goes Somewhere

In 2012, the then-Antonio Cesaro held the WWE United States Title for 239 days. From August, 2012 up until April, 2013, he reigned with the title, but what did it really achieve? In other words, how many fans would really remember that fact without a list of United States Title runs in front of them? It's not something WWE really ever mentions, and the reign was ended coldly by Kofi Kingston in throwaway fashion on Raw. Any title reign lasting as long as Cesaro's should be treated like a big deal in the modern era. By comparison, John Cena's run from March, 2015 until August felt more weighty, because the man defended the belt regularly on television. Going further, the announcers actually made sure to continually play up Cena's reign as impressive, something that was rarely done with Cesaro. It'd be futile to suggest the company should put the WWE World Heavyweight Title on Cesaro without preparation. However, the Intercontinental or United States belts could be just the ticket. This time, it'd be critical that those booking the shows were willing to put emphasis on his achievements. Title reigns only really mean something if they're treated as excellent.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.