10 Ways To Make Cesaro A WWE Main Event Star

7. Give Him Meaningful Feuds More Regularly

The exact same thought process goes for feuds. When was the last real memorable Cesaro rivalry? World Wrestling Entertainment is a company that thrives on angles and stories, so it's a bit asinine to criticise Cesaro for not getting over when he's never given any. More thought is needed, and more attention needs to be paid to the guy if he's going to establish himself. WWE have never really tried to push Cesaro to the top of the card, so how are they so sure he's not ready? The man has incredible in-ring skills. One problem the promotion had with him was his Swiss accent, which is why he was placed with Paul Heyman. Almost immediately, he still became little more than a bodyguard for Heyman, before being quickly discarded when Brock Lesnar returned. That doesn't tell fans that Cesaro is important, it's why he is where he is on the card. Giving Cesaro something to sink his teeth into might be crucial, because it'll let management know whether or not he's actually ready to make a splash. Main event talent have to feud regularly, bouncing from one program to the next. Cesaro doesn't do that, and it's hurting him.
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