10 Ways To Make WWE Brand Extension Work

10. Bullet Club Work Freelance

WWE need to be making Bullet Club as special as they can be. They should be taking inspiration from the NWO and have them working directly in competition to WWE, not under one of their two roster's umbrellas. They should just rock up to a show as and when they please, and target Superstars to wipe out. The term nuclear heat springs to mind here... This opens up the possibilities to have them go against any tag team on the roster, facing the likes of The Wyatts and perhaps New Day. Starting out with Finn Balor, Doc Gallows, and Karl Anderson, Bullet Club should be looking to expand over time - not to the extent the NWO did in WCW mind you, but grow all the time. Strength in numbers, and all that...
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.