10 Ways To Save WrestleMania 31

7. Add A Stipulation To Triple H Vs. Sting

As of right now, Triple H vs. Sting is little more than a novelty match for a certain age range of WWE fans. Everyone can appreciate just how cool the latter is as a character, and a recent video package put together by the company certainly rewrote history in a way which made Sting look like he was always the top guy at WCW. However, as of right now, the WWE are playing around too much with the past in a pretty desperate bid to make this work. Triple H has been painted as the guy who single handedly destroyed WCW. Sting is resentful about that (that's what fans are left to assume anyway), but has taken over a decade to express those feelings. There's just not enough story there to make this a match to care about, despite how exciting it is in many ways to see these two come to blows. Some sort of stipulation would at least give fans a reason to root for one of these guys over the other.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.