10 Ways To Successfully Challenge The Undertaker At WrestleMania

1. Insult His Legacy (CM Punk - WrestleMania XXIX)

Controversial and polarising, CM Punk's promos designed to mock The Undertaker's legacy would have been fine, had it not been for Punk's disparaging remarks towards the recently-deceased Paul Bearer. Interrupting a tribute for Undertaker's longtime manager and friend, Punk claimed he was inside The Deadman's head, and could thus easily defeat him at WrestleMania. Nobody can deny the quality of the skirmish between the tandem at 'Mania XXIX, but maybe WWE could have been a bit more respectful towards Bearer. The man's sons were pretty outspoken about their disappointment that the company would use their father's death as little more than a plot line, and WWE received numerous complaints from fans feeling the angle was in bad taste. Pressing on, the feud was very much worthwhile, and there were a portion of wrestling fans who felt maybe, just maybe CM Punk would be the one to end the streak. At 'Mania, it was very much business as usual for The Undertaker, who would once again emerge victorious at the event, in the last year he would successfully defend his winning streak. What other ways do you recall The Undertaker's opponents challenging him for matches at WrestleMania? Do you have fond memories of the rivalries documented here? Let us know down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.