10 Ways To Successfully Challenge The Undertaker At WrestleMania

9. Be A Viable Target (Ric Flair - WrestleMania X-8)

When WrestleMania X-8 rolled around in 2002, The Undertaker's character had changed drastically, evolving from the undead zombie of before into a real living man, one who had a family and a real love of biker culture and chewing tobacco. Obviously, this didn't fit into the story of the gimmick that had come before, but by this point in time The Undertaker was a unique character. Having been around long enough that his persona could morph in such a way and not be dead in the water (no pun intended), 'Taker was a heel in 2002, and all about respect. Never was this more evident that when he targeted another wrestling legend, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair in the lead-up to 'Mania X-8. Battering Flair's son David at a company training facility, The Deadman viewed Ric Flair as a viable target, one he'd quite like to defeat on the big stage of WrestleMania, furthering his own legacy in the process. Eventually, the duo did square off at 'Mania, in a mid-card effort which is often over-looked when fans discuss the best matches of the time period, but it still stands out as one of the only times when The Undertaker went after an opponent for WrestleMania, instead of being chased himself.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.