10 Ways Triple H Has Transformed WWE In Just One Month

1. There’s Buzz Around TV Again

Triple H WWE

One of this writer's good friends didn't watch Raw for years. She tailed off sometime in 2017, and just didn't return. In fact, her only exposure to WWE's product was occasional SmackDown viewings and some pay-per-views on the Network. Want to know something remarkable?

She's been watching Raw religiously again for the past three weeks.

Sure, that might change over time if a Triple H-led Raw struggles to fill three hours for longer than a month or two, but it's a promising sign that buzz has returned for some of the lapsed fanbase. Change can often have that impact - Raw and SmackDown feel like they'll be newsworthy broadcasts again, which wasn't the case under McMahon.

Hunter's willingness to buck the trend by starting Raw with a hot match, or ending on cliffhangers, has lured many back in. WWE's big hope will be that their stories and action prove good enough to keep people hooked.

How else has Triple H already changed WWE post-Vince McMahon? For more wrestling, check out 10 Precise Moments When WWE PG Era Careers Ended and 10 Things We Learned From Charlotte Flair On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.