10 Ways Triple H Has Transformed WWE In Just One Month

2. Returns Vince Wouldn’t Have Booked

Triple H WWE

There's just no way Vince would've slapped a green light on returns for Johnny Gargano or Karrion Kross (with Scarlett) over the past month. One would've been considered too small/too pro wrestler for major programming, and the other was already spoiled by one of the worst NXT > Raw jumps WWE has ever seen last summer.

No prizes for guessing who booked that.

Kross was instantly thrust into the top title mix by attacking number one contender Drew McIntyre and targeting head boy Roman Reigns on SmackDown. Meanwhile, Gargano received a healthy reaction for his own comeback on Monday's flagship, and looks destined for a midcard title (at least) before the year is out.

Bayley's comeback also facilitated main roster spots for cast-off Dakota Kai and ex-NXT star Iyo Sky. That's another union which would've seemed impossible under McMahon's hammer - he wouldn't have booked most of WWE's recent returns the way Trips did, actually. If at all.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.