10 Ways Triple H Has Transformed WWE In Just One Month

3. Promos Feel Looser

Triple H WWE

As aforementioned, Drew McIntyre's fiery promo about being discarded by WWE before fighting his way back and becoming a two-time World Champion was a highlight on Raw recently. It was the kind of impassioned rant that caused bubbling support from fans to simmer underneath his words, and it left Kevin Owens pretty much speechless.

It also felt largely unscripted.

Most promos have since Vince announced his retirement. His irritating need to control every single word that comes out a worker's mouth meant promos, both backstage and in-ring, were stifled attempts to remember words on a page rather than speak from the heart. Those days, it seems, are over.

Promos (again, both backstage and in front of live crowds) have been a tad looser over the past month or so of WWE telly. Any flubs come because wrestlers make them organically, not because the pressure to recall what was on creative's A4 sheets proves too much.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.