10 Ways Wrestlers Faces Were Altered Forever Because Of Wrestling

9. The Undertaker’s Eye Socket Fracture

Finn Balor broken jaw

The Dead Man’s had many injuries in his 35 years career, from concussions to a fractured ankle to first and second-degree burns on his chest/neck.

The Undertaker was a recent guest on The Joe Rogan Experience, where Joe Rogan spent the majority of the interview asking ‘Taker about the battle wounds he’s accumulated from wrestling, including the extensive hip replacement surgery and rehabilitation he went through.

Undertaker then talked about his orbital bone shattering in 2010 in a match against “the smallest guy in the company”, referring to Rey Mysterio. It happened on SmackDown when Mysterio hurricanrana-ed him into the top turnbuckle and overshot a springboard seated senton, landing hard on ‘Taker’s face. ‘The Demon of Death Valley’ grabbed at his face straightaway, realizing it was a bloody mess. Turned out Mysterio shattered Undertaker’s orbital bone (and nose) in a freak accident. ‘Taker valiantly finished the match, pinning Mysterio with the Tombstone.

Undertaker spoke on the podcast of how the facial injury still affects him to this day: “Like, if I try to look peripherally, you become opaque. I see two lights when I look that side to this day, and that’s been over 10 years.”

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