10 Ways Wrestlers Faces Were Altered Forever Because Of Wrestling

6. Shawn Michaels’ ‘Lazy Eye’

Finn Balor broken jaw
WWE Network

Shawn Michaels being cross-eyed has routinely and hilariously been mocked by his best friend in the business Triple H. Fans have speculated Shawn naturally went crossed-eyed from a physical disorder as he got older. But it originated from his ring antics when on the Raw brand.

On the ‘Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart: WWE's Greatest Rivalries DVD’ amazingly one of the extras includes Bret asking Shawn what happened to his eye, with Shawn explaining it happened in a comeback match with Kane, around the Unforgiven PPV in 2004.

He says the reason he sometimes looks goofy today was somewhere in the match he took a bump that weakened the muscles in his eye. It’s strange how it happened in a match with Kane, given Michaels and Kane were renowned for being two of the safest wrestlers in WWE. Just goes to show, injuries are sometimes inevitable for any performer.

In storyline years later WWE attempted to blame the condition on Chris Jericho when he shoved Michaels into the Jeritron in their 2008 feud, explaining Shawn was left with a detached retina afterwards. But in reality HBK has had his eyes crossed for more than fifteen years now all thanks to wrestling The Big Red Machine.

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