10 Ways Wrestlers Faces Were Altered Forever Because Of Wrestling

7. A One-Eared Mick Foley

Finn Balor broken jaw

Mick Foley put his body through hell in the pursuit of wrestling. Internal bleeding, bruised ribs, abdominal tears, dislocated shoulders, concussions, losing teeth, broken noses and jaws and cheekbones, hundreds of stitches and second-degree burns are all on Foley’s checklist of injuries he’s suffered at one time or another in his storied career. His most famous wound though comes from his match with Big Van Vader in Germany.

It was Cactus Jack’s early days in WCW and Vader was renowned for being one of the stiffest wrestlers in the game. Late-on in the match Foley got his ear tangled in the ropes, with Foley freeing himself with a strong push and the help of the referee.

When he escaped the grip of the ropes though he suffered a serious tear to his right ear. Despite this Foley, who was running on adrenaline and didn’t realize the extent of the injury, went right back to trading shots with Vader. Vader threw a monstrous forearm to Foley’s head, with Foley’s right ear falling to the mat. Blood proceeded to pour down Foley’s face.

Afterwards Mick had to undergo a four-hour operation where he says ‘all the cartilage from the missing ear was removed and placed in a man-made pocket an inch above my remaining lobe.’

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Finn Balor
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